Discover: intra-company training

Training Catalog

Design Thinking

Two days to discover the Design Thinking method. This method allows companies to launch new products, businesses, or services centered around the user’s perspective. Design Thinking is not a method that is learned but experimented with.

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Photo de la table de travaille de la formation design thinking


Understand your market with customer research. Customer observation is an extremely important step in launching an innovative project. Knowing your market and its users ensures success by verifying that your product is fulfilling a need.

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4 personnes suivant le workshop Observation


Unleash your team’s creativity. This Creativity course gives you the tools to master key brainstorming techniques while training you to run your own creative workshops in your company.

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Groupe d'intrapreneur en session de créativité

The pitch

A day to learn how to be persuasive with your words. Knowing how to tell your project’s story is an essential skill for winning over your audience and, ultimately, advancing your project.

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Photo de l'expert en pitch

Lean Startup

The agile method allows companies to launch innovative projects in a more agile way, by limiting the risks. Discover how to formulate the right hypotheses for your tests, select your beta testers, master Lean canvas, and create low-cost prototypes.

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Des personnes d'une entreprise qui participent à un workshop sur la créativité et l'observation

Schoolab's pedagogy


Empathize with participants

We connect with people throughout their lives. We find out what interests them and connect them with each other.


Define the pedagogical objectives

How does the subject relate to real-life situations for participants?
How can the needs of participants be met?


Designing the course

Participants are at the heart of the learning process. Concepts are developed organically in a supportive learning environment.


Prototype and test

We challenge participants to find their own way of applying the concepts they have learned in order to practice, fail, learn and repeat.


Taking a step back

We get participants to step back and reflect on their learning process; what worked, what didn’t work, what they could have done better, or how they could take the concept they learned even further.



We immerse participants in a threaded narrative that improves knowledge retention.

Digital Platform

Acquire new expertise with Schoolab's digital platform


Prerequisites, objectives, duration, content, and speaker's sheet.


Customizable registration form, pre-training evaluation, beneficiary needs analysis.


Calendar synchronization, description and access to workshops (online or hybrid), signing of attendance sheets.

Pathways & Resources

Sequenced workspace, modules with a deliverable repository, resource library.


News wall, scheduling of newsletters, automatic reminders.


Content management, rights and access, real-time monitoring of engagement, deliverable statistics and Net Promoter Score, delivery of achievement certificates.

A collaborative French digital platform, available as a white label and compliant with the IT requirements of large companies: dedicated infrastructure, high-level security, and data protection (GDPR).

Our goal is to make our training courses accessible to all: this program is perfectly adapted
for people with disabilities. Contact us with any questions you may have.

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